
by 株式会社ドリーマーソフト



4D embossing information only in one shot embossing of the smartphone (who, time, location and content) save, cloud attendance management system for managing

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①長所1.現在のタイムカードを無くし、勤怠管理の管理費用を削減2.勤務時間、休暇などのリアルタイム集計、把握。3.多数の拠点、様々な勤務シフト、カレンダー組にきちんと対応4.現場の状況(映像を含む)をリアルタイムで把握5.現在ご使用のモバイル機器を打刻機として使える6.従業員は自分のモバイル機器で自分の日間、月間打刻情報の確認7.申込後24時間内に利用開始②モバイル機器の機能1.アンドロイドフォンに対応2.打刻者の出社、退社、外出および外出後帰社各々の打刻時刻表示3.打刻時映像の取得および表示(カメラ全後面撮影・ズーム機能あり)4.打刻時位置取得および表示(GPS情報)5.該当日日間打刻状況を常に表示6.上スワイプをして該当月日ごとの打刻状況を表示7.6の状態で右スワイプをして前月日ごとの打刻状況を表示8.6の状態で左スワイプをして翌月日ごとの打刻状況を表示9.打刻忘れはわかりやすい色の点滅でリアルタイム表示(赤:出社・退社、外出・戻りの各々の一方の打刻なし、青:すべての打刻なしの注意の喚起)※出入口用タブレットの場合はバーコード、ICカードまたは手入力を通じて不特定多数従業員の打刻をサポート(別途申込)※サーバー機能(別途申込)1.出勤、退勤、外出、戻りの打刻表示2.通常勤務時間、残業勤務時間、深夜勤務時間の自動計算3.休日勤務時間、休日深夜勤務時間の自動計算4.遅刻回数・時間、早退回数・時間の自動計算5.打刻映像管理(カメラ全後面撮影・ズーム機能あり)6.打刻位置管理(GPS情報)7.勤務時間のメンテ8.休暇申請および承認、年休等休暇管理9.残業申請および承認10.始業時間、終業時間等シフトおよび勤務計画の設定および使用中メンテ11.会社、事業所、部署など組織の設定12.従業員の部署、雇用形態、給与体系、カレンダ組、勤務組、ICカード等の設定13.社員、ユーザID、パスワードおよび機能別操作権限の管理14.勤怠データの確認、編集、エクスポートが可能15.関係法律、規定に従って勤務時間を自動計算、表示16.申込後24時間後から利用開始① advantage1. Eliminating the current time card, reduce the administrative costs of attendance management2. Working hours, real-time aggregations, such as vacation, grasp.3. A large number of offices, a variety of work shift, corresponding nicely to the calendar set4. Grasp the situation of the site (including video) in real time5. It can be used as an embossing machine mobile device of your current6. Employees their days in their mobile devices, confirmation of monthly embossing information7. Start use within 24 hours after applicationFunction of ② mobile equipment1. Corresponding to Android2. Embossings arrival, leaving, going out and going out after the return to the office each embossing time display3. Acquisition and display of hitting clocked the video (with the camera all the rear surface shooting and zoom function)4. Hitting clocked position acquisition and display (GPS information)5. Always show embossing situation that day days6. Display embossing situation of each applicable month by the above swipeDisplay embossing situation of each previous month date by a right swipe at the state of 7.6Display embossing situation of each month following the date of the left swipe at 8.6 of state9. Real-time display in the embossing forget easy-to-understand color flashing (red: attendance, leaving the office, one of no embossing of each outing, return, blue: draw attention without all embossing)※ bar code in the case of entrance and exit for the tablet, support embossing of an unspecified number employees through the IC card or manual input (separate application)※ server function (separate application)1. Attendance, Taikin, go out, return embossing display2. Normal working hours, overtime working hours, automatic calculation of the late-night working hours3. Holiday working hours, holiday automatic calculation of the late-night working hours4. Late the number of times and time, automatic calculation of the number of times leaving early and time5. Embossing video management (with the camera all the rear surface shooting and zoom function)6. Embossing position management (GPS information)7. Of working hours maintenance8. Vacation request and approval, annual leave, etc. vacation management9. Overtime application and approval10. Opening time, closing to set up and use in the maintenance of time such as a shift and work plan11. Company, the setting of the office, organizations such as the department12. Employee of the department, employment, salary, calendar set, working set, setting, such as an IC card13. Employees, the user ID, password management, and functional operation authority14. Attendance confirmation of data, editing, can be exported15. Automatic calculation of the working hours relations law, in accordance with the provisions, display16. Start available from 24 hours after the applicationChange Layout